Monday, March 23, 2020

A visit home in a world gone mad...

I just spent a wonderful 2 weeks in Utah, doing quarantine with my girls and grandbabies!
When I left Ohio quarantine hadn’t really started yet. 
The day before I left Utah to return back to Ohio, I witnessed this beautiful rainbow out my back door.  Nothing like a rainbow to remind me that there is hope on the horizon and there is still beauty in the world. 

Let’s take a step back two weeks to the beginning of my trip home: 

It’s crazy how fast the world can go topsy turvy.  The day before I left Ohio, Lincoln and I went grocery shopping to Walmart to pick up what he would need while I was gone and to amp up our supplies of low fat foods for Ben so when he gets released from the hospital we would be stocked up.  I arrived in Utah on the morning of March 12th and that afternoon I went to the local grocery store to pick up groceries for BBQ’s and meals to share with my kids for the next few weeks.  I was in for the shock of my life!  What a difference a day can make, and a location.  It was 2:00pm in the afternoon and the shelves were bare!  I mean bare!  It was the oddest feeling, just yesterday in Ohio there wasn’t a sign at all that we were about to enter the twilight zone. I guess it’s the mentality of the population in Utah... be prepared.   Although that would give the impression that we are all prepared and don’t need to make a run on the supermarket at the first sign of trouble.  I found this a tiny bit disturbing to be honest. Needless to say it was difficult just to buy the things I needed.  This was the first sign that my time home was going to be like nothing before.  Public Schools were canceled and my daughter attending UVU was told face to face classes were cancelled until after spring break. Then to top it all off on the 18th we experienced a 5.7 magnitude earthquake. It was official, things were shaken up and we were now living in a world gone mad! 

Despite the craziness of the world, I enjoyed my time with my girls and babies.  We spent a lot of time just hanging out at home.  Quarantine being in effect and all.  I enjoyed walks around the neighborhood, sitting in my backyard and breathing in the fresh air. Loving on my little ones is a great boost to the soul. 

At one point in my visit home, I became full of anxiety about what was going on in Ohio with Ben and feeling helpless.  I became so upset, that I decided I needed a blessing for guidance and comfort.  A dear friend from the ward came and with the help of Brooklyns friend Jacob they gave me the most beautiful blessing.  In it I was reminded at the many miracles we have seen in our family over the past year and that Heavenly Father is in charge and miracles have not ceased.  I know Heavenly Father loves us, I know my Savior lives. I know he is aware of me personally and of my fears and if I will seek him, I will feel of his love and have peace in my life. I am so grateful for the priesthood here on the earth and for the blessing it is in my life. I am also thankful for the power of prayer.  Many times I have dropped to my knees in prayer, prayer of thanksgiving, prayer of pleading and often just a prayer of sharing my thoughts and feelings.  Every time I feel the love of my Heavenly Father, and a peace settles on me that he hears me and is there for me. Over the past year or so I know there have been many prayers offered by others on our behalf and we have felt strength from those prayers.  

This blessing I received was just what I needed to give me calm and allow me to enjoy the remainder of my visit home. Here are a few pictures of my time. We celebrated my birthday, Bailee make me the most delicious cake! So much LOVE! 

Too soon my time home came to an end, I am going to miss my family but I need to get back to Ohio and Ben while I still can. Even though things are a little rough in the world, we have a lot to be grateful for!

Baby D.

Me and my girls.

Yummy Cake




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